The National Council maintains data in an open format (open data)
85 countries participate in the Global Open Data System, including the Republic of Bulgaria. The main goal is to provide a database in a common international platform to individual governments, to achieve openness, responsibility and responsiveness to citizens. The European Union (EU) Open Data Portal, as well as the national open data portals of EU countries, facilitate the access and reuse of information by creating opportunities to connect data across products and applications.
In the National Open Data System, the NSCRLP regularly updates data from the maintained public registers in the Open Data Portal ( The data maintained in the NSCRLP registers are publicly available and open for use by citizens, businesses, institutions and all interested users. Access to the data is provided in a machine-readable - open format, in accordance with all the requirements of Directive 2013/37/EU on the reuse of information in the public sector.
Through the publication of the data from the public registers, the National Council implements priority/measure item 5.6.21 - "Maintaining an up-to-date state of the public electronic registers" from the Sectoral Anti-corruption Plan in the healthcare system.